Dr. Greentom is a brand of Majorcan CBD specializing in premium CBD flowers and resins. Pioneros in the area, at the end of 2022 we opened our shop in Bunyola, a magical place in the Serra de Tramuntana that fits perfectly with the essence of the brand.
In Dr. Greentom CBD is focused on natural and organic products and we are proud to offer high-quality CBD products and supported by rigorous quality standards. We are located in Bunyola, Mallorca, although if you are not on the island or you can't get near here we send all the island and the rest of Spain.
Below we leave a list that responds to some of the most common questions about CBD. If you have any other doubt, do not hesitate to contact us, either by sending us a message or by visiting us in our physical store. We're happy to be able to help you!
Cannabinoids are chemical compounds formed by a group of molecules that interact with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system of the human body and also of most animals. They can produce both plants and the body itself: cannabinoids that are naturally generated in the body of humans and animals are called endocannabinoids, while cannabinoids produced naturally by plants are called phytocannabinoids. The CBD (cannabidiol), the CBG (cannabigerol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)are the most popular cannabinoids of the more than one hundred that make up cannabis or hemp plants.
Cannabidiol (also known as CBD) is a natural compound that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is due to its therapeutic potential and more and more people incorporate this natural alternative into their personal care routine. CBD is one of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, whose concentration varies according to strain. It does not have psychoactive effects (so it will not make you feel “colocated”) and does not generate addiction, dependence or side effects.
We can find CBD products in different formats such as the title="aceites" href=./../. .
/es/blog/aceite-de-cbd---burar-aceite-de-cbd"oils, balms, creams and other cosmetic products of topical use, vapeadores, flowers or CBD resins for aromatic use, etc. If you're interested in knowing more about CBD, you can read more this blog.I mean, does not place or alter perception.
No, CBD is not psychotropic and does not produce euphoric effects or "coloca". All our products comply with the legal regulations of less than 0.2% of THC, so they are completely safe in this regard.
The cannabigerol (CBG) It's a Cannabinoid not as well known as the CBD. It is found in hemp and cannabis plants Although in the hemp it is where higher concentrations appear. It's not psychotropic. So “do not place,” and just as CBD is attributed multiple beneficial properties. It is a more expensive cannabinoid to extract since is the first to develop in plants and from which the rest of cannabinoids originate.
Both CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are two cannabinoids that come from the cannabis plant, although CBD can also be extracted from the hemp plant. The main difference between the two is that THC causes psychotropic effects (i.e. “coloca”), unlike CBD, which has no psychotropic effects and which is attributed to numerous therapeutic properties.
In Spain, CBD products are legal while THC content does not exceed 0.3 per cent and come from EU-certified crops, while THC or marijuana is illegal.
If you want to know more, you can read "././. .
/es/blog/differences-between-el-cbd-y-el-thc" english blog on differences between CBD and THC.No, CBD's not addictive. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), CBD does not pose risks of abuse or dependence.
Cannabidiol is not registered for use as a food supplement at the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Healthy Products (AEMPS), so CBD products in Spain cannot be marketed for food use. This does not mean that CBD is not legal in Spanish territory but rather that to make your sale, production and consumption legal, CBD products have to be intended for external use, as would be oils, balm, creams or other topical CBD cosmetics.
If you are interested in knowing more about the legal status of CBD, you can continue reading "././.
./es/blog/es-legal-el-cbd-en-espana---legal-situation-of-cbd-en-espana".In Dr. Greentom ensures that all the products we offer are in full compliance with European regulations governing the cultivation of hemp with CBD, as indicated by European Decree No. 639-2014 and European Regulation No. 1307/2013. All our flowers and CBD resins are put on the market with laboratory analysis certificates that guarantee THC content less than 0.3%in compliance with the European regulations in force.
If you want to buy legal CBD flowers or resins with premium quality guarantees, please leave for our online shop!
When we talk about it CBD buds or flowers, We're referring to the Hemp flower. Unlike marijuana buds, industrial hemp flowers contain very low levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive molecule of cannabis), so they have no psychoactive effects. To be in SpainCBD should contain levels below 0.3% of THC.
To maintain quality and lengthen the useful life of CBD flowers, It is recommended to store them in a cool, dry and protected place of light (especially from the direct sun). It's important. away from wet spaces because in excess it favors the appearance of mold in the flowers. The amount of humidity ideal to keep the CBD buds is 62%. In addition, it is also important that CBD buds be kept in containers with hermetic closure for protect them from smells that there may be in the environment.
When we talk about it Indoor and Greenhouse We're making reference to culture method in which a CBD plant has been developed. We can distinguish between 2 main farming methods:
CBD resins are extracts from the cannabis plant which are composed from tricomas and other remains of the plant. They are products with high concentrations of cannabinoids, can reach up to 40% of CBD. They do not produce psychotropic effect as well as the other products derived from CBD do not contain more than 0.3% in THC.
Stop. to the maximum preserve properties of CBD resins It is advisable to take into account a number of factors: like CBD buds, it is preferable to store CBD resins in a fresh, dry and protected place of light. It's important. away from wet spaces since its excess favors the appearance of mold in the resins. Use a good one wrapping like furnace paper (do not release waste and prevent it from sticking in the container).
In order to keep your freshness it is important to use a container with hermetic closure, besides avoid abrupt temperature changes.CBD oil is the oleous form of cannabidiol and also one of the most demanding formats among CBD consumers.
There are several types of CBD oil:
Our CBD oils are formulated for external use, applying them to the skin as part of your well-being routine. In case of doubt about the correct use, we recommend that you follow the product directions or consult us directly.
If you are interested in knowing more, we recommend our blog about CBD oils.Our CBD oils are formulated for external use, applying them to the skin as part of your well-being routine. In case of doubt about the correct use, we recommend that you follow the product directions or consult us directly.
To keep the CBD oil in its most optimal conditions and keep its properties better, it is recommended to store the container in a place preferably without exposure to air, clean, fresh and where it does not receive direct light. It is also recommended that they do not suffer abrupt temperature changes, so they can be stored in the fridge if the ambient temperature exceeds 30o.
A “CBD puff” is a way to refer to a disposable electronic vape or device loaded with an electronic liquid containing CBD. They are disposable and of one use, designed for short-term uses. They usually have a maximum number of balds and throw away when the e-liquid is exhausted.
They are very similar to traditional cigarettes or electronic vapers, but They don't contain nicotine. Its price is more affordable than a rechargeable vape so they are accessible. They are comfortable and practical for those who want to have a first vapeo experience before acquiring a rechargeable vaper.
In Dr. Greentom offers a range of high-quality CBD products, including flowers, resins, oils, cosmetics and welfare products. All our products are made with natural ingredients and respect the highest standards of quality and purity.
Our CBD products they never exceed 0.3% of THC, the legal limit allowed in the European Union, so they are totally legal in Spain. All the flowers and resins of Dr. Greentom CBD has laboratory analysis that certifies its THC content.
We understand that buying CBD can be a “delicate” theme for some people. Both the flowers and the resins are packed into sealed bags that prevent the smells from getting away from your package. To make sure that your order is delivered safely and discreetly, we send all the sealed products into a corporate box that in turn is wrapped by the distribution company bag, in which only the distribution label appears.
Being more discreet is difficult but not impossible, so if you need an extra touch of discretion contact us by email (laughs)info@drgreentomcbd.
com) before ordering and we will value together other options for your shipment.CBD resins and flowers are collectors' products. CBD products are not medicines and should not be used as a substitute for other medical treatments. Always consult with your doctor before starting any CBD guidelines.
Dr. Greentom CBD is not responsible for misuse of products.
The sale of children under the age of 18.
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We're happy to be able to help you! Send us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Open Monday to Saturday from 16 to 20:30h
Carrer de Santa Catalina Thomàs, 72, 07110 Bunyola, Mallorca, Illes Balears